Tag Archive for: California’s State Water Resources Control Board

Environmental Groups Push for Increased River Flow in Wake of Delta Algal Bloom

The destructive algal bloom that struck San Francisco Bay this summer has researchers looking at both causes and solutions. But now, several environmental groups are demanding action on a similar challenge miles upstream from the Bay. They’re focused on a toxic bloom that’s become almost a yearly occurrence in and around the Delta.


Calif. to Zero Out Water Supplies Again Amid Dry Winter

For the second time in a single water season, California water officials are preparing to zero out water deliveries to Valley farmers reliant on the State Water Project.

During a Tuesday meeting of California’s State Water Resources Control Board, Department of Water Resources director Karla Nemeth announced her agency would be enacting the cuts on water contractors and preserving resources for health and safety needs only.

Brad Hooker of Agri-Pulse first reported the news.