Tag Archive for: Budget

San Diego Mayor Proposing Deep Cuts to Close $250M Revenue Gap During Pandemic

Plummeting tax revenue during the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer to propose sharp spending cuts in response to a projected $250 million budget gap.

Water Authority Board Adopts $1.7 Billion Two-Year Budget

The San Diego County Water Authority’s Board of Directors today adopted a $1.7 billion budget for fiscal years 2020 and 2021. The new budget is up 5 percent from the current two-year budget, due largely to increasing costs for water supply, supply reliability and infrastructure improvements.

Following a public hearing, the Board also approved an increase in wholesale water rates for calendar year 2020. Although the Water Authority’s budget spans two fiscal years, the agency sets rates annually to more effectively manage changing conditions.

Sweetwater Authority Board approves $77M budget for fiscal year 2019-20

Chula Vista, Calif. – The Sweetwater Authority (Authority) Governing Board approved the budget for fiscal year 2019-20 at its June 2, 2019 meeting. The Board worked closely with Authority staff to produce a balanced budget that minimizes the financial impact to customers. Most notably, the budget reflects a considerable decrease in the purchase of expensive imported water as a result of above average rainfaall and a successful stored water transfer from Loveland Reservoir to Sweetwater Reservoir in February 2019.

San Diego County Water Authority Logo Stacked Tagline

Water Authority Recommends $1.7 Billion Two-Year Budget

San Diego – The San Diego County Water Authority’s Acting General Manager today recommended to the Board of Directors a $1.7 billion budget for fiscal years 2020 and 2021, up 5 percent from the current two-year budget, due largely to increasing costs for water supply, supply reliability and infrastructure improvements.

Water Authority staff also proposed increasing rates and charges for member agencies by 4.3 percent for treated water and 4.8 percent for untreated water in calendar year 2020, attributable to rate increases by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, continued investments in supply reliability, and reduced water sales that lower demand and mean fixed costs must be spread over fewer gallons.