Tag Archive for: border wall

New Border Wall to Cut Through Tijuana River Channel

Plans are underway to build a new section of border wall that will cut through the Tijuana River channel — a concrete culvert where toxic sludge runs into the U.S. and where Border Patrol and caravan migrants violently clashed in 2018.

CBP Plans to Build Border Wall Across Tijuana River, Where No Barrier Exists

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has announced plans to extend the border wall and have it cut across the Tijuana River where the river enters the U.S. in San Diego. The Tijuana River flows from south to north and crosses from Mexico into the U.S. right next to the San Ysidro Port of Entry.

Border Wall Water Use Threatens Endangered Species, Environmentalists Say

A government assessment recently obtained by an environmental group appears to link a well the group says is used in U.S.-Mexico border wall construction to low water levels in wildlife habitats at an Arizona refuge with endangered species.

Sacred Arizona Spring Drying Up as Border Wall Construction Continues

Midway down a cactus-covered hill in one of the driest parts of Arizona is a miracle: a spring. Water continually streams out of the ground, down a small channel, and into a pond.

For Now, No Border Wall For Arizona Tribe’s Colorado River Stretch

President Trump’s wall now stretches along 200 miles of U.S.-Mexico borderland. Progress hasn’t slowed during the coronavirus pandemic; in some places it’s even accelerating. But there’s a tiny swath of tribal land on the Colorado River where that’s not the case.