Tag Archive for: Awards

Dr. Malcolm Dunstan of MAD & Associates represents the team including the Water Authority at the award ceremony, MAD & Associates led the RCC mix design for the San Vicente Dam Raise project. Photo: International Commission on Large Dams

San Vicente Dam Raise Wins Global Award

The International Commission on Large Dams presented the San Diego County Water Authority this week with a prestigious international engineering award for its innovative construction technology used to raise the historic San Vicente Dam. The project helps ensure regional water security for generations to come.

Commission leaders made the presentation to the Water Authority at its annual conference in Guangzhou, China. It cited a special type of construction called roller compacted concrete, or RCC.  Applying this method to the San Vincente Dam project simplified construction, saving both time and money. The completed dam structure is capable of withstanding a 7.5 magnitude earthquake.

Dr. Malcolm Dunstan of MAD & Associates accepts the San Vicente Dam Raise award from International Commission on Large Dams officials. Photo: International Commission on Large Dams

Dr. Malcolm Dunstan of MAD & Associates accepts the San Vicente Dam Raise award from International Commission on Large Dams officials. Photo: International Commission on Large Dams

“This award is a reminder that the San Diego region has a long history of strategic investments to
protect our most important natural resource,” said Water Authority Board Chair Mel Katz. “The
San Vicente Dam Raise was a landmark project and one that inspires us as we seek solutions to
current and future challenges.”

The Water Authority sent a video message to the conference. View it below.

San Vicente Dam Project Increases Water Storage Capacity

Completed in 2014, the dam raise project increased the height of San Vicente Dam by 117 feet, the equivalent of adding a 12-story building atop the original structure. It more than doubled the capacity of the San Vicente Reservoir by adding 152,000-acre feet of water storage capacity, enough to serve more than 450,000 households for a year.

San Vicente Dam has been owned and operated by the City of San Diego since it was built in 1943. Capacity in the enlarged reservoir is shared by the city and the Water Authority, which also share the cost of operating the reservoir.

“Raising the San Vicente Dam was a massive feat of engineering and it’s recognized as the world’s tallest dam extension using roller compacted concrete,” said Water Authority Engineering Director Neena Kuzmich. “More importantly, it was the final major element of the Water Authority’s $1.5 billion Emergency Storage Project, a system of reservoirs, pipelines and pumping stations designed to secure a six-month supply of drinking water for the San Diego region in case a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a prolonged drought interrupts imported water deliveries.”

State-Of-The-Art Method Shortens Construction Time

The San Vicente Dam Raise, completed in 2014, added more than 157,000 acre-feet of regional water storage capacity – the largest increase in San Diego County history. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

The San Vicente Dam Raise, completed in 2014, added more than 157,000 acre-feet of regional water storage capacity – the largest increase in San Diego County history. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Work to prepare the original dam and foundation for the expansion began in 2009. Using RCC for the expansion was a key design element. Unlike conventional wet concrete, which is poured, RCC uses less cement and water to create a cookie dough or clay-like texture. Equally as strong as wet concrete, RCC is placed in layers one on top of the other and compacted. The placement process resembles road construction.

This state-of-the art application method significantly shortens construction time while meeting
all technical requirements. Expansion was completed in 2014. The San Vicente Reservoir is located just outside of Lakeside and now stands 337 feet tall.

(L to R) Chuck Greely, CWEA president; Dan Denham, Water Authority General Manager; Mel Katz, Water Authority Board of Directors chairman; and Sue Mosburg, executive director of CA-NV-AWWA, with the Advanced Water Treatment Champion award at the November Board of Directors meeting. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority leadership in training

Water Authority Recognized For Leadership In Training Industry Professionals

The California Water Environment Association (CWEA) and the California-Nevada Section of the American Water Works Association (CA-NV AWWA) recognized the San Diego County Water Authority’s leadership and support of setting training standards and establishing training programs for water and wastewater industry professionals.

Chuck Greely, president of CWEA, and Sue Mosburg, executive director of CA-NV-AWWA, presented the Advanced Water Treatment Champion award at the November Board of Directors meeting.

“Your involvement from the very beginning of the Advanced Water Treatment Operator Certification program has allowed CWAA and California-Nevada AWWA to train and certify hundreds of California’s best operators, ensuring they have the knowledge and skills to produce the cleanest water possible,” said Greely.

“Thank you for what you’ve done in California. Thank you for bringing the water operator professional to the next level,” added Mosburg.

To date, 60 water industry professionals have completed the AWTO training and received certification.

Training Opens Career Opportunities In Water Reuse Field

The Advanced Water Treatment Champion award presented to the San Diego County Water Authority for its leadership in developing the Advanced Water Treatment Operator training certificate. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority leadership in training

The Advanced Water Treatment Champion award presented to the San Diego County Water Authority for its leadership in developing the Advanced Water Treatment Operator training certificate. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Prompted by calls in 2014 from water utilities, water professionals and the California State Water Board, a diverse set of stakeholders and experts including the Water Authority contributed their perspectives on the development of the certification. They were supported by CWEA and CA-NV AWWA staff and experts in exam development. Observers from the California State Water Board participated throughout.

Over 100 volunteers from CA-NV AWWA and CWEA were involved in planning, subject matter expert workshops, exam development, marketing and administering the new program. After four years, the Advanced Water Treatment Operator™ (AWTO®) certification was launched in 2020.

The Future of Water is Now

AWTO certification allows water and wastewater operators to demonstrate their advanced knowledge and qualify for new career opportunities at high-tech water reuse facilities. As California and Nevada expand water reuse, AWT operators are expected to be in high demand. There are currently 11 advanced water treatment facilities permitted and operating in California. Seven more are currently awaiting approval in the State of California’s permitting process.

Water and wastewater operators can get ready for these new career opportunities by getting AWTO certified today.

“As more potable reuse facilities start up in San Diego and across the state, this is a watershed moment in California history. We are securing water supplies for generations to come,” said Greely.

“We are well into the next decade of water and wastewater operations, and everyone in our industry plays an important role leading the way toward sustainability,” said Mosburg. “We are building the future now. We need this new supply and a new way of thinking about water before the next drought hits.”

Helix Water District Board Vice President Dan McMillan with the Golden Watchdog Award given to the District's Tunnel Hill Tanks project. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

Helix Water District Receives Golden Watchdog Award for Tunnel Hill Tanks Project

The Helix Water District received the 2023 San Diego County Taxpayers Association (SDCTA) Golden Watchdog Award in Municipal and Educational Services for the District’s Tunnel Hill tanks project. The project resulted in a $6.3 million cost savings for its customers.

“It’s a mindset at Helix,” said Helix Water District Board Vice President Dan McMillan. “From the board to our frontline workers, we all keep an eye on cost control. We are good stewards of public funds.”

The San Diego County Taxpayers Association bestows its Golden Watchdog award for cutting-edge resourceful solutions using public funds. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority Tunnel Hill Tanks

The San Diego County Taxpayers Association bestows its Golden Watchdog award for cutting-edge resourceful solutions using public funds. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

SDCTA’s annual Golden Watchdog and Fleece Awards recognize the best and worst in local government decision-making, public spending, and efficiency.

“The winner and finalists this year reflected creative and innovative tactics when dealing with ongoing challenges and our homelessness crisis,” said Haney Hong, president and CEO of the Association. “Ultimately, the Awards Committee applauded cutting-edge resourceful solutions while criticizing poor planning and use of taxpayer dollars.”

Project Extends Lifespan of Water Tanks, Reduces Maintenance Costs

The Helix Water District's Tunnel Hill storage tank rehabilitation project took approximately two years to complete. Photo: Helix Water District

The Helix Water District’s Tunnel Hill storage tank rehabilitation project took approximately two years to complete. Photo: Helix Water District

The original estimated cost to replace the Tunnel Hill tanks was $10 million. Rehabilitating the tanks instead was priced at $3.7 million. Alongside the cost savings, the project brought the Tunnel Hill tanks into compliance with new seismic standards. The improvements will extend the useful life of the tanks for another 50 to 60 years and reduce future maintenance costs.

The pair of tanks are located above Interstate 8 near the Los Coches freeway exit. These tanks play an important role in the water infrastructure system by storing and providing water to thousands of Helix Water District customers in Lakeside and El Cajon.

The larger steel Tunnel Hill water tank received a corrosion-resistant aluminum dome roof. Photo: Helix Water District

The larger steel Tunnel Hill water tank received a corrosion-resistant aluminum dome roof. Photo: Helix Water District

The project took two years to complete in several phases. The first phase of the project involved stripping the exterior of the smaller and newer, reinforced concrete tank. The new, natural concrete finish does not require paint and will reduce long-term maintenance costs.

Next, the larger steel tank received new paint and a corrosion-resistant aluminum dome roof. The height of the tank was extended by five feet to improve the tank’s performance and safety in an earthquake, especially to protect nearby neighborhoods. The exterior of the steel tank was recoated.

Both tanks received new interior coatings to prevent corrosion and were replumbed with flexible fittings to prevent breaks and keep the tanks connected during an earthquake.

Watch video of the Tunnel Hill Tank rehabilitation project in progress.

Vital Roles In Water Infrastructure

Tanks are the most visible parts of water infrastructure and play a vital role in supplying water for the daily needs of residents and businesses, as well as for emergencies. The Helix Water District operates and maintains 25 tanks across its 50-square-mile service area. Proactive rehabilitations are less expensive than the construction of a new tank.

Eight additional water storage tanks were inspected and repaired in 2022. In addition, as part of its proactive maintenance, crews replaced 11,560 feet of cast-iron pipeline and surveyed 14,728 feet of pipeline route for design.

“We are proud of our employees and the work we do every day. This (Tunnel Hill tanks) project is just one example,” Helix Water District Board Member Joel Scalzitti  said to community and business leaders and elected officials when accepting the award at the Golden Awards event on behalf of the district.

(Editor’s note: The Helix Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24
member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region.)

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Honors 2023 “Pure Excellence” Award Winners

Encinitas, Calif. —At its November 15 board meeting, Olivenhain Municipal Water District recognized several community members with “Pure Excellence” awards for making a positive impact in the community in 2023. The winners—Congressman Scott Peters, MiraCosta College, California Landscape Technologies, BCK Programs, and Rich Reimer—were acknowledged for advancing water use efficiency and protecting the natural environment.

“Tonight, we celebrate the extraordinary efforts of local leaders,” said OMWD Board President Christy Guerin. “The efforts of our honorees will have lasting impacts on our community by helping to develop new water supplies, more efficiently using existing supplies, and fostering respect and appreciation for local watersheds.”

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve Launches 17th Annual Amateur Photography Contest

Encinitas, Calif. — Olivenhain Municipal Water District invites amateur photographers of all ages to its Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve for the seventeenth annual amateur photography contest that will run from November 18, 2023, through April 21, 2024.

“For seventeen years, our contest has prompted visitors to capture Elfin Forest Recreational Reserve’s stunning beauty from their unique perspective,” said OMWD Board Director Marco San Antonio. “The contest promotes the importance of protecting wildlife habitat at the reserve so that future generations may also enjoy the many wonders it offers.”

Billy Ortiz submitted the winning photo, titled "Reflections." Photo: Helix Water District 2023 Lake Jennings Photo Contest

Lake Jennings 2023 Spring Photo Contest Winners Announced

Scenic views, beautiful birds, and unusual weather are all featured in the winning photos in the Lake Jennings 2023 Photo Contest. The contest is held annually by the Helix Water District. Winners were named this week and recognized at the September Governing Board meeting.

The Helix Water District board recognized the 2023 Lake Jennings Photo Contest winners at its September meeting. Back row (L to R): Board members Andrea Beth Damsky, Dan McMillan, Kathleen Coates Hedberg, Joel Scalzitti, Mark Gracyk. Front row (L to R): Chaylee Gregory, Billy Ortiz, Charles Ham, Aaron D’Souza, Debra Colwell. Photo: Helix Water District

The Helix Water District board recognized the 2023 Lake Jennings Photo Contest winners at its September meeting. Back row (L to R): Board members Andrea Beth Damsky, Dan McMillan, Kathleen Coates Hedberg, Joel Scalzitti, Mark Gracyk.
Front row (L to R): Chaylee Gregory, Billy Ortiz, Charles Ham, Aaron D’Souza, Debra Colwell. Photo: Helix Water District

The District runs the contest each year as a fun way to connect with its customers and recognize their achievements.

Now in its 12th year, the contest drew 60 entries from throughout San Diego County. This year’s entries depicted the wide variety of activities at Lake Jennings including camping, fishing, hiking, spotting wildlife and enjoying the view. The contest was open for photos taken between March 1 and August 31, 2023.

2023 Spring Photo Contest Adult Category

First Place – Billy Ortiz, “Reflection”

First Place: Billy Ortiz, "Reflections." Photo: Helix Water District 2023 Lake Jennings

First Place: Billy Ortiz, “Reflections.” Photo: Helix Water District

Second Place – Charles Ham, “Bald Eagle”

Second Place: Charles Ham, "Bald Eagle." Photo: Helix Water District 2023 Lake Jennings

Second Place: Charles Ham, “Bald Eagle.” Photo: Helix Water District

Third Place – Debra Colwell, “Quail Enjoying The View”

Third Place: Debra Colwell, "Enjoying The View." Photo: Helix Water District 2023 Lake Jennings

Third Place: Debra Colwell, “Enjoying The View.” Photo: Helix Water District

2023 Spring Photo Contest Youth Category

First Place – Aaron D’Souza, “Calm Before Tropical Storm Hilary”

First Place: Aaron D'Souza, "Calm Before Tropical Storm Hillary." Photo: Helix Water District

First Place: Aaron D’Souza, “Calm Before Tropical Storm Hilary.” Photo: Helix Water District

Second Place – Chaylee Gregory, “Duck, Duck No Goose”

Second Place: Chaylee Gregory, "Duck Duck No Goose." Photo: Helix Water District

Second Place: Chaylee Gregory, “Duck Duck No Goose.” Photo: Helix Water District


The Helix Water District honored the winning photographers at an awards ceremony during its board of directors meeting on Wednesday, September 27.

The winning photos can be viewed on Lake Jennings’ Facebook page and on the District’s website.

Lake Jennings is among San Diego County’s most scenic parks. The lake is a drinking water reservoir located in Lakeside, California, owned and operated by Helix Water District.

Lake Jennings is named for William H. Jennings, an attorney who grew up on his family farm in Lakeside. He served as San Diego County Water Authority general counsel for 26 years and served on the California Water Commission. Jennings played a major role in the State Water Project in the 1950s and helped secure imported water for San Diego County in the 1960s. The lake was named in his honor in 1964.

(Editor’s note: The Helix Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

EPA WaterSense-Vallecitos Water District-Videos

Vallecitos Videos Win National EPA WaterSense Award

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has honored the Vallecitos Water District with a WaterSense Partner of the Year Award for its video series promoting WaterSense and water efficiency in 2022. Vallecitos was one of nine Partner of the Year Award winners across the U.S. Awards were presented at the American Water Works Association Water Smart Innovations event in Las Vegas on October 5.

The Vallecitos Water District was one of nine Partner of the Year Award winners across the U.S. Awards were presented at the American Water Works Association Water Smart Innovations event in Las Vegas on October 5, 2023. Photo: Vallecitos Water District WaterSense Awards

The Vallecitos Water District was one of nine Partner of the Year Award winners across the U.S. Awards were presented at the American Water Works Association Water Smart Innovations event in Las Vegas on October 5. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

WaterSense is a voluntary partnership program sponsored by the EPA. It identifies and labels water-efficient products, programs, and homes to help consumers learn ways to save water. More than 2,100 manufacturers, builders, retailers, utilities, government, and nonprofit organizations partner with WaterSense to promote water-efficient products, homes, and programs.

Vallecitos produced twelve videos released monthly in 2022, based on the EPA’s monthly feature topics. Each video focused on educating consumers about creating a WaterSense home. Among the topics covered by the 12 videos in the series are bathroom water consumption, efficient energy use, and one of the favorites, the “Shower With Power” video released in September 2022.

The video series produced by the Vallecitos Water District public affairs team was distributed by the U.S. EPA WaterSense program to help educate the public about water conservation nationwide. The videos can be downloaded for free on the EPA WaterSense partner platform.

Consumers turn to video for water education

The Vallecitos Water District has embraced video as an important communication tool with its customers. Photo: Vallecitos Water DIstrict

The Vallecitos Water District has embraced video as an important communication tool with its customers. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Vallecitos began using video in 2019 to document the district’s workforce and infrastructure improvements on its social media platforms and has also engaged the public with discussions of critically important water management issues. It has won multiple awards for its work.

“We rely on video as a powerful communication tool at the Vallecitos Water District,” said Chris Robbins, Vallecitos Water District Public Information/Conservation Supervisor. “It’s how people like to consume information today,”  “We invest a great deal of effort to make sure each video is an effective resource. This award from the EPA affirms we’re taking the right approach.”

Vallecitos Public Information Representative Alicia Yerman collaborated with Beth Livingston and Veronica Blette of the EPA on the productions including scripting, storyboards, and visual elements. Vallecitos also offers live video of its board meetings and other public discussions on its YouTube channel.

San Dieguito Water District recognized as Excellence Winner

The EPA also recognized 25 Excellence Award winners for their support of WaterSense and water efficiency in 2022, including the San Dieguito Water District and the San Diego County Water Authority. Collectively, the Excellence Award winners contributed to annual savings nationwide of 1.1 trillion gallons of water.

WaterSense and its more than 2,000 utility, manufacturer, retail, builder, and other organizational partners make it possible for consumers and businesses to save water, energy, and money by producing and promoting water-efficient products, homes, and programs. Since 2006, WaterSense partners have helped save 7.5 trillion gallons of water and $171 billion on consumer utility bills.

WaterSense encourages everyday water efficiency

Each video focused on educating consumers about creating a WaterSense home. “Shower With Power” is one of the favorites, released in September 2022. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Each video focused on educating consumers about creating a WaterSense home. “Shower With Power” is one of the favorites, released in September 2022. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

WaterSense is a program sponsored by the EPA, designed to encourage water efficiency in the U.S. through the use of a special label on consumer products. The goal of the program is to protect the future of the nation’s water supply by encouraging a nationwide ethic of water efficiency to conserve water resources for future generations and reduce infrastructure costs.

The WaterSense label makes it simple to find water-efficient products, new homes, and programs meeting the EPA’s criteria for efficiency and performance. WaterSense-labeled products and services are certified to use at least 20% less water, save energy, and perform as well as or better than regular models.

(Editor’s note: The Vallecitos Water District and the San Dieguito Water District are two of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Gayle Falkenthal (L) and Lisa Urabe display the San Diego County Water Authority and Vallecitos Water District's multiple San DIego Press Club Journalism Awards. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority Press Club Awards

Water News Network Best Public Service Website for Sixth Year at San Diego Press Club Awards

For the sixth consecutive year, the San Diego County Water Authority’s Water News Network website was recognized as the Best Public Service/Consumer Advocacy Website. The Water News Network was awarded for its public outreach and education at the San Diego Press Club’s 50th annual Excellence in Journalism Awards.

Among the largest annual competitions in the United States, San Diego’s finest reporters, photographers, writers, artists, and communicators were honored with the region’s top awards.

The Water News Network was awarded first place as the Best Public Service or Consumer Advocacy Website. The WNN has won the award every year since the website launched in mid-2018.

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria congratulated winners at the San Diego Press Club Journalism Awards. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority Press Club Awards

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria congratulated winners at the San Diego Press Club Journalism Awards. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

The award for best public service website is one of five awards the WNN received during a ceremony October 3 at Balboa Park. At the event, San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria recognized the contributions of the San Diego journalism community and the San Diego Press Club over its 50-year history.

Awards for reporting and video production

Water Authority Senior Public Affairs Representative Ed Joyce and former public affairs department intern Noah Harrel received second place for original reporting in the Online and Daily Newspapers: Military category for  “Marine Corps Veteran Shawntrel McCoy Finds Perfect Fit in the SkillBridge Program.”

Writer Gayle Falkenthal received third place in the Online and Daily Newspapers: Public Service/Consumer Advocacy category for Special Water Rates Program Reduces Costs for San Diego County Growers.”

The WNN team took home a third-place award in the PR, PIO, and Trade Publications Video category, for its Landscape Optimization Program video series.

Water Authority and Vallecitos Water District team honored

A joint entry from the Water Authority and the Vallecitos Water District public affairs team of Chris Robbins, Lisa Urabe, and Alicia Yerman won First Place in the Television/Online Video, Community Service/Public Affairs Reporting category for its Landscape Optimization Program video series, published in the Water News Network and on the Vallecitos Water District YouTube channel.

WNN water news

In its sixth year of operation, the Water News Network is viewed as a reliable source of factual information upholding the standards of journalism to benefit the Water Authority, its 24 member agencies, its stakeholders, and the residents of San Diego County.

The San Diego Press Club honors the region’s best communicators in media each year at the Excellence in Journalism Awards.

Water News Network 2023 San Diego Press Club awards:

Websites, Public Service or Consumer Advocacy Site: First Place, Water News Network

Online/Daily Newspapers, Military: Second Place, Marine Corps Veteran Shawntrel McCoy Finds Perfect Fit in the SkillBridge Program, Ed Joyce and Noah Harrel

Online/Daily Newspapers, Public Service/Consumer Advocacy: Third Place, Special Water Rates Program Reduces Costs for San Diego County Growers, Gayle Falkenthal

PR, PIO, and Trade Publications, Video: Third Place, Landscape Optimization Program Video Series, Water News Network Team

(Editor’s note: The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Ed Pedrazzi (third from right) with his team during his time as VWD Water Operations Supervisor, including current and retired Vallectos Water District employees (L to R) Joey Shore, Rocky Eltzroth, Shawn Askine, Pedrazzi, Cheryl Minichilli, and Richard Arballo. Photo: Vallecitos Water District

Vallecitos WD Employee Ed Pedrazzi Recognized for Leadership

Vallecitos Water District Operations and Maintenance Manager Ed Pedrazzi is the ACWA 2023 “Excellence in Water Leadership” award winner. Pedrazzi received his career honor at the Association of California Water Agencies annual conference on May 9.

The award recognizes individuals who have “made a remarkable and visible contribution to the enhancement, protection, or development of water resources in California,” according to ACWA.

Vallecitos WD Operations and Maintenance Manager Ed Pedrazzi receives his ACWA 2023 “Excellence in Water Leadership” award. Photo: ACWA

Vallecitos Water District Operations and Maintenance Manager Ed Pedrazzi receives his ACWA 2023 “Excellence in Water Leadership” award. Photo: ACWA

Pedrazzi was nominated by his peers for his efforts toward improving operations and safety at the Vallecitos Water District as well as his dedication to public service.

Pedrazzi: ‘Vallecitos is more than just a job to me’

“When I started here we were a very small district,” said Pedrazzi. “There were only about 50 employees. We’re over 100 employees now. We serve 96,000 customers over 40 square miles. To me, it’s a fantastic place to work. I love it, love coming to work every day. Vallecitos is more than just a job to me. It’s a career and it’s a family.”

Video features Ed Pedrazzi’s career highlights

Protecting public health and preserving water resources

Pedrazzi has worked for the Vallecitos Water District 34 years. In his current role, Pedrazzi manages six operations departments. He began in 1989 on a construction crew, transferring a year later to the Water Systems Operations department. He quickly worked his way up through the department and was promoted to his current position as Operations and Maintenance Manager in 2014.

Pedrazzi’s career in public service is devoted to protecting public health by working toward the best and safest water quality possible. He is also responsible for the operations of the wastewater system, striving to protect the public from any harmful wastewater discharges or leaks.

Ed Pedrazzi working on water quality in 2001. Photo: Courtesy Ed Pedrazzi

Ed Pedrazzi working on water quality in 2001. Photo: Courtesy Ed Pedrazzi

“The entire District has always taken water quality as job one. Everything that we do is to protect the public,” said Pedrazzi.

He and his team work diligently to track the District’s water usage and devise ways to stop water loss. Recently, Pedrazzi worked with a contractor to perform water main flushing services to minimize water loss via storm drains.

Infrastructure and asset management

Pedrazzi addresses the District’s infrastructure needs by increasing maintenance where it is needed and developing the District’s Asset Management Program with the Engineering Department.

Pedrazzi researched sonic technology to address algae issues at both the Mahr Reservoir and South Lake Reservoir. By implementing this solution, Pedrazzi improved water quality and protected the environment and nearby wildlife habitat. The District has been honored with national and state awards for Pedrazzi’s innovative approach.

Pedrazzi Leads Safety Training and Response

Ed Pedrazzi (far right) in 1996 with brother-in-law Jon Sherwood (second from right) and Vallecitos Water District employees Joe Lomeli and Rocky Eltzroth. Photo: Courtesy Ed Pedrazzi family ties

Ed Pedrazzi (far right) in 1996 with brother-in-law Jon Sherwood (second from right) and Vallecitos Water District employees Joe Lomeli and Rocky Eltzroth. Photo: Courtesy Ed Pedrazzi

Pedrazzi plays a key role in the District’s safety training and emergency response. He serves on the District’s Hazardous Materials team and can be called on as an incident commander to run the District’s Emergency Operations Center during large-scale incidents such as wildfires. Pedrazzi has played a role in every major emergency operation at the District since 1989.

Training next generation of water industry pros

Pedrazzi also devoted his time to training the next generation of water and wastewater professionals. He taught courses at Palomar College, serving as program coordinator for 15 years. He is active with the California-Nevada Section of the American Water Works Association, and task forces including the North County Operating Heads Group, the Water Agency Emergency Collaborative and the San Diego Regional Internship Program, where he is a founding member.

He assists other staff with school and public tours of District facilities and had the opportunity to educate exchange students from Iraq about water conservation in California.

In conjunction with the award, Pedrazzi received a grant of $5,000 to donate to a nonprofit organization. Pedrazzi selected the California Farm Water Coalition, whose mission is to inform the public about agricultural water use and advocate for environmental safety.

Pedrazzi comes from an agricultural family as his father operated a farm in Salinas, California. The family’s farm currently grows strawberries after previously farming small white beans and alfalfa hay.

ACWA is the largest statewide coalition of public water agencies in the country. Its more than 460 public agency members collectively are responsible for 90% of the water delivered to cities, farms, and businesses in California. Its mission is to provide comprehensive leadership, advocacy, and resources for California public water agencies to ensure a high-quality and reliable water supply in an environmentally sustainable and fiscally responsible manner.

(Editor’s note: The Vallecitos Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the San Diego County region.) 

The “Water Smart Living” series of articles created by Water Resources Specialist Joni German and also published as a public service in the Times of San Diego won a CAPIO Award of Distinction in the Writing category. outreach efforts

Outreach Efforts Honored at 2023 CAPIO EPIC Awards

The San Diego County Water Authority received two Awards of Distinction for outreach programs at the 2023 California Association of Public Information Officers (CAPIO) “EPIC Awards” competition for California public agency communication programs.

The Water Authority’s “Faces of the Water Industry” public outreach campaign created by Public Affairs Representative Andrea Mora won in the Social Media category.

Judges said, “This campaign is organized and includes measurable data in the planning and results. The team executed well and set a great example of what a social campaign should look like.”

Water professionals highlighted

“There are so many exciting career opportunities in the water and wastewater industry,” said Mora. “I enjoyed putting my skills to work showcasing the featured professionals and encouraging people to learn more about these jobs.”

The Water Authority’s “Faces of the Water Industry” public outreach campaign created by Public Affairs Representative Andrea Mora won its CAPIO Award of Distinction in the Social Media category. outreach efforts

The Water Authority’s “Faces of the Water Industry” public outreach campaign created by Public Affairs Representative Andrea Mora won its CAPIO Award of Distinction in the Social Media category.

Water conservation in San Diego

The “Water Smart Living” series of articles created by Water Resources Specialist Joni German and also published as a public service by Times of San Diego won its award in the Writing category. The judges observed, “Remarkable work here. Water conservation is a tough sell, even when it’s clearly a problem. Very well done!” and added “Great real world results!”

Epic-CAPIO-outreach-Water Authority-awards

Water Resources Specialist Joni German (L) and Public Affairs Representative Andrea Mora (R) with CAPIO Awards of Distinction for San Diego County Water Authority outreach programs. Photo: San Diego County Water Authority

“We work hard to find new and engaging ways to help inform San Diego County residents on ways they can contribute to water conservation,” said German. “We’re grateful to Times of San Diego for giving us a platform to reach their readers.”

EPIC Awards honor work with a lasting impact

The CAPIO EPIC Awards recognize the “best of the best” in government communications throughout the state. Winning entries demonstrate the most creative and effective efforts in the areas of communication and marketing campaigns, newsletter production, photography, special events, writing, website development, and video production.

The EPIC Awards honor work that made a lasting impact, providing an equal chance of winning to all entrants regardless of company or agency size and project budget. Entries are assessed on research and planning efforts which display an understanding of audience objectives and needs for information; development and execution; and how successfully the entrant organization achieves its objectives.

The Water Authority is a previous CAPIO EPIC Award winner for its “Drought Safe San Diego” public outreach campaign for Communication or Marketing Plans/Campaigns – In-House; and an Award of Distinction for Video Production – Promotional – In House; and also an EPIC award winner for Water News Network in the Websites category.

The San Diego Press Club has named Water News Network Best Public Service Website for five straight years.

Award-Winning Record

For the fifth consecutive year, the Water Authority’s news portal Water News Network won first place as the Best Public Service or Consumer Advocacy Website in the 49th annual San Diego Press Club Excellence in Journalism Awards. The award was among seven awards for WNN, including recognition for Environmental Writing, General News, and Series – Light Subject.

Joni German won second place in the Series ­– Light Subject, Online and Daily News category for WNN’s “WaterSmart Living Series.”

Senior Public Affairs Representative Ed Joyce received two second-place awards in two categories for original reporting: Online and Daily newspapers: Environment, for “California Drought Now in Third Year” and Online and Daily newspapers: General News, for “Pure Water Oceanside Provides New Local Supply of Drinking Water.”

Public Affairs Representative Kimberlyn Velasquez was awarded an honorable mention for Photography/Video in the Feature-Light Subject category for her video, “Hauck Mesa Storage Reservoir Moving to Completion,” which was included in a WNN story on the project.

The San Diego Press Club honors the region’s best communicators in media each year at the Excellence in Journalism Awards.

In November, the Water Authority outreach program, “Drought Safe San Diego,” won a Silver Award of Excellence at the annual Public Relations Society of America, San Diego-Imperial Counties chapter 2022 Edward L. Bernays Awards.