Tag Archive for: Arizona

These Cities Coordinate to Save Water, a Model for Parched Western Areas

There are no lush green lawns among the rows of single-family homes that line a quiet boulevard a mile west of the University of Arizona campus. Instead, small lizards scurry across gravel to the shade of cacti, shrubs and trees native to the Southwestern desert, as cicadas drone and backyard chickens cluck in the triple-digit heat now common here in July.

Arizona’s Groundwater Supplies Are Essentially Unregulated. That Means Rural Wells Are Drying Up

While temperatures push well above 100 degrees, it’s easy to forget that Arizona’s deserts lie on top of groundwater basins that formed during the Ice Age. The state’s rural communities rely on that water, which experts say is a finite resource. But in most cases, it’s not regulated in any meaningful way. That lack of regulation has begun to show, as wells dry up and local residents call for action.

Navajo President Presses Congress for More Time, Money, for Water Project

Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren asked senators Wednesday for more funding, and time, for a pipeline project that would create a reliable water supply for 250,000 people across Arizona and New Mexico. The project would deliver 37,767 acre-feet of water annually from the San Juan River basin through 300 miles of pipeline to 43 Navajo chapters, the city of Gallup, New Mexico, as well as the Teepee Junction area of the Jicarilla Apache Nation.

Scottsdale Bans Natural Grass in Front Yards of New Houses to Conserve Water Amid Arizona’s Drought

As drought-stricken Arizona bakes in searing heat, the Scottsdale City Council unanimously agreed this week to ban natural grass in front of future single-family homes in an effort to conserve water.

The new ordinance will apply to new houses constructed or permitted after August 15.

Arizona Needs to Conserve Colorado River Water. Here’s a Rundown on Cities’ Voluntary Cuts

Arizona cities and other entities could serve nearly 2 million households for a year with the amount of water they plan to voluntarily leave behind in the Colorado River the next three years, but they say they’re foregoing the supply to help preserve the reservoirs’ health.

Could Mother Nature Cut Off California’s Water Guarantee?

In the contentious, yearlong negotiations over how to share the pain of Colorado River shortages, California officials leaned on their state’s status as the basin’s most senior water rights holder — or the last in line to take cuts when supplies run low — to fend off arguments it should bear the brunt of reductions.

The gambit worked, ultimately sparking a compromise in which California will share cuts with Arizona and Nevada over the next three years. The deal means the state will give less than 10 percent of its annual allocation, in line with its original offer.

Could the Central Arizona Project Canal be the Solution to our Water Problems?

Along the Central Arizona Project (CAP) Canal, just beyond the city of Buckeye, is a place being considered for a project that could double the amount of water in the canal.

“It’s a game changer for the state if it works,” said Chuck Podolak with the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona.

Colorado River Water Cutbacks Could Hit Alfalfa Yields, Livestock Producers

Dairy operations and cattle producers in the Southwest are bracing for potentially higher feed bills, depending on how farmers respond to a historic agreement among California, Nevada and Arizona that’s intended to slash agricultural water usage and preserve hydropower generation.

Lake Mead Water Level Rises – But Shortages Are Still on the Way

Lake Mead’s water levels have risen slightly as the record snowpack in the southwest continues to melt.

As of June 5, the Colorado River reservoir in Nevada stood at 1,054.42 feet.

The lake has risen sharply since the end of April when the Bureau of Reclamation released a vast amount of water from Lake Powell. The water ran through the Grand Canyon and eventually into Lake Mead, replenishing sandbars and beaches.

Opinion: Colorado River Deal Forever Changes the Price of Water in the West

For the first time in this drought-stricken century, a new price for water in the West has been set – and it’s 25 times higher than what farmers have paid for the last 75 years.

Arizona, Nevada and California recently agreed to reduce their water consumption from the Colorado River by 13% through 2026. The federal government will pay their irrigation districts, Native American tribes and cities $521 for each acre-foot of water they don’t use.