Tag Archive for: 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest

Jennifer Dell was selected as the Vista Irrigation District's 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest winner for her creative, colorful use of materials and plants. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Colorful WaterSmart Landscape Wins Vista Irrigation District in 2022

The Vista Irrigation District Board of Directors recognized Jennifer Dell as its 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest winner for her creative, colorful use of materials and plants.

The annual contest recognizes outstanding water-wise residential landscapes based on overall attractiveness, appropriate plant selection, design, appropriate maintenance, and efficient methods of irrigation.

Pollinator-friendly WaterSmart landscape

When Jennifer Dell purchased her home in 2019, her first priority was removing the water-thirsty turf. Photo: Vista Irrigation District watersmart landscape

When Jennifer Dell purchased her home in 2019, her first priority was removing the water-thirsty turf. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Replacing the water-intensive lawn with a Watersmart landscape was Dell’s priority when she purchased her home in 2019. She used upcycled landscape materials and low-water use trees, shrubs, and perennials to transform her front yard into a thriving landscape.

Podocarpus and Purple Hopseed evergreens circle the yard to create a verdant privacy screen full of seasonal color all year. Deep purple spears from Pride of Madeira, Lavender, and Mexican Sage Bush create a colorful and blossoming habitat for butterflies, bees, and birds. Honeysuckle, Star Jasmine, and Floribunda Iceberg Roses provide fragrant bursts of color.

The new landscape features pollinator friendly perennials and shrubs along with fruit trees. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

The new landscape features pollinator friendly perennials and shrubs along with fruit trees. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Dell also planted a variety of fruit trees she irrigates with rainwater collected in a rain barrel catchment system. “I wanted a lush and colorful landscape with as low a water bill as possible,” said Dell. What was a mundane, flat waste of water is now and will increasingly be a joyful, colorful, and dynamic habitat for humans and other wildlife.”

“Replacing your grass lawn with a WaterSmart landscape is one of the best ways to reduce your water use,” said Brent Reyes, water conservation specialist. “Additionally, turf removal rebates are available to help with the cost.”

Rebates, tips, classes and other water-saving information: sdcwa.org/your-water/conservation/.

(Editor’s note: The Vista Irrigation District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Bryan and Denee Felber's conversion from turf to low-water use landscaping earned the Chula Vista homeowners the 2022 Otay Water District WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Contest win. Photo: Otay Water District

Chula Vista Homeowners Win Otay Water District’s 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest

Chula Vista homeowners Bryan and Denee Felber earned “Best in District” honors as the winner of the Otay Water District’s 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest. Converting 2,143 square feet of turf to a drought-tolerant garden in 2015 continues to save water and pay off for the Felbers while beautifying their neighborhood.

The Felbers live in the District’s division 4, represented by Board Director and Treasurer Jose Lopez.

A dry riverbed helps redirect water runoff away from sidewalks and storm drains. Photo: Otay Water District

A dry riverbed helps redirect water runoff away from sidewalks and storm drains. Photo: Otay Water District

“Otay is proud to see that our contest winners have taken the necessary steps to limit their outdoor water use and make their home drought resilient,” said Jose Lopez. “Now that our region is facing dry conditions, we encourage customers to do the same by taking full advantage of the programs and rebates available, which will make a significant difference in preserving our local water supply.”

Making a WaterSmart change

Bryan and Denee Felber's property before the landscaping redesign. Photo: Otay Water District

Bryan and Denee Felber’s property before the landscaping redesign. Photo: Otay Water District

Maintenance demands and high costs to keep their lawn vibrant and green motivated the Felbers to make a change, beginning in 2015. They started by participating in the San Diego County Water Authority’s WaterSmart Landscape Makeover Program, which teaches residents how to create and maintain a beautiful yard suiting their needs while also saving water. The  Felbers used what they learned during the planning stages of their project.

Bryan and Denee Felber's property after the landscaping redesign. Photo: Otay Water District

Bryan and Denee Felber’s home after the landscaping redesign. Photo: Otay Water District

The landscape makeover qualified for turf rebates through the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and the Water Authority. They received a rebate to replace 5,007 square feet of their front and back yards and later replaced 202 square feet of turf in a side yard.

A new drip irrigation system replaced spray nozzles. Plants are watered on an automated schedule three days a week. When rain is expected, the system is turned off or delayed for a few days. A dry riverbed running across the landscape captures and directs rainfall, minimizing water runoff.

New landscape design pays off

The Feibers used beautiful low-water use plants to replace more than 2,000 square feet of turf. Photo: Otay Water District

The Felbers used beautiful low-water-use plants to replace more than 2,000 square feet of turf. Photo: Otay Water District

The completed landscape allowed the Felbers to reduce their overall water use by approximately 33% compared to the years before upgrading.

When asked if they recommend others to consider upgrading their yards, Bryan Felber responded, “Absolutely!”

“It’s easier and requires much less time to maintain, and it saves money,” said Bryan. “Designed well, it can be beautiful with far less water, reducing water demand and preserving its supply.”

The Otay Water District board of directors will recognize the couple at its August meeting with a certificate of recognition, a gift certificate to a local nursery of their choice, a yard sign, and other promotional items.

(Editor’s note: The Otay Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.) 

Olivenhain Municipal Water District Logo landscape design workshops

Encinitas Landscape Transformation Project Wins Local Contest

Encinitas, Calif. — Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s Board of Directors honored at its June 22 meeting Mike and Cathy Godfrey as OMWD’s winner of the 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest.

“Maximizing water efficiency outdoors is especially important as drought conditions remain in effect across the state,” said OMWD Board Director Neal Meyers. “Showcasing the diversity and beauty of California-friendly landscaping can encourage others to swap their grass for climate-appropriate designs and bring awareness to the benefits of sustainable landscaping.”

WaterSmart Landscape Contest-The Nieves family of Bonita won the Sweetwater Authority's 2019 Landscape Makeover Contest for theier creative WaterSmart landscaping design. Photo: Sweetwater Authority 2021 Landscape Makeover

2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest Open For Entries

One dozen San Diego County water agencies are looking for the best in landscaping makeover projects for the 2022 regional WaterSmart landscape competition. This annual competition showcases residential water-saving landscaping projects to inform and inspire other homeowners to consider replacing their turf-based yard designs.

The contest deadline for all participating agencies is Friday, May 13. Homeowners may submit their entry online through their water agency. Entrants must live within a water agency boundary to participate. Each agency winner receives a $250 gift certificate and recognition on the agency website and social media channels.

Participating agencies in 2022 include California American Water, the cities of Escondido and Oceanside, Helix Water District, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Otay Water District, Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Rincon Del Diablo Water District, San Dieguito Water District, Sweetwater Authority, Vallecitos Water District, and the Vista Irrigation District.

Turf removal saves an estimated 36 million gallons annually

El Cajon homeowner-Otay Water District-2021 Landscape Makeover Contest

El Cajon homeowner Christine Laframboise’s water saving landscape design trading turf for a less thirsty approach is the Otay Water District’s 2021 WaterSmart Landscape Contest winner. Pboto: Otay Water District

Most residential water use in San Diego County is used outdoors, primarily to water landscaping. When yards contain a large amount of turf, it can significantly increase overall water consumption. This is why conservation education efforts focus on replacing turf.

By showcasing how beautiful landscapes without grass can be through the WaterSmart Landscape Contest, homeowners can share their creativity and demonstrate how attractive WaterSmart landscaping can be.

“San Diego County homeowners are moving toward beautiful, sustainable landscapes and away from water-intensive lawns as the default choice,” said Joni German, San Diego County Water Authority water resources specialist. “Through ongoing education and through the examples people see around them, homeowners can see that water-efficient landscapes can be beautiful, lush, colorful, and thrive in our region. This contest is a great way to showcase the efforts homeowners regionwide have made to create these incredible outdoor spaces.”

Additional benefits of watersmart landscaping

Colorful, waterwise plants replaced a thirsty, labor intensive front lawn in Deborah Brant's winning landscape makeover. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

Colorful, water-wise plants replaced a thirsty, labor-intensive front lawn in Deborah Brant’s winning landscape makeover. Photo: Vista Irrigation District

  • Creating a garden to live in as well as look at by adding outdoor rooms for your favorite activities.
  • Drought-tolerant plants can be used to define spaces instead of buildings and walls.
  • Cultivating native plants for San Diego County’s Mediterranean climate zones, including ground covers, grasses, succulents, perennials, shrubs, vines, and trees.

Free landscape makeover classes offered by Water Authority

The Brants took advantage of the San Diego County Water Authority's Landscape Makeover classes to help them plan their project. Photo: City of Escondido

The Brants took advantage of the San Diego County Water Authority Landscape Makeover classes to help them plan their project. Photo: City of Escondido

The Water Authority offers free options to help homeowners plan their makeovers. Homeowners can get started with the Water Authority’s free three-hour introductory landscaping workshops scheduled on weeknights and Saturdays. The workshops are held virtually.

The Water Authority’s free WaterSmart Landscape Makeover four-class workshop series offers more specific planning for homeowners.  See the course page for the most current schedule and to sign up.

(Editor’s Note: The City of Escondido, the City of Oceanside, Helix Water District, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, Otay Water District, Padre Dam Municipal Water District, Rincon Del Diablo Water District, San Dieguito Water District, Sweetwater Authority, Vallecitos Water District, and Vista Irrigation District are 11 of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)