Tag Archive for: 2022 Landscape Contest Winner

The Cavanah family's colorful, watersmart landscape is the winner of the 2022 Sweetwater Authority Landscape Makeover contest. Photo: Sweetwater Authority less water

More Beauty, Less Water Wins Sweetwater Authority’s 2022 Landscape Contest

The Sweetwater Authority named Nancy Cavanah of Chula Vista its 2022 winner of the WaterSmart Landscape Contest. Cavanah was recognized at the Authority’s June Governing Board meeting.

The Cavanah’s landscape was selected from a diverse pool of applicants as the best example of how to create a beautiful landscape using less water.

Clay Clifton, Sweetwater Authority Program Specialist, presents the Cavanahs their award. Their landscape was selected from a diverse pool of applicants as the best example of how to create a beautiful landscape using less water. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Clay Clifton, Sweetwater Authority Program Specialist, presents the Cavanahs with their award. Their landscape was selected from a diverse pool of applicants as the best example of how to create a beautiful landscape using less water. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

Colorful plants replace thirsty turf

After years of watering to maintain a green front lawn, Cavanah and her husband decided to invest in making their yard more water-efficient. Using the Turf Replacement Rebate Program to help offset costs, the Cavanahs replaced their thirsty lawn with drought-tolerant landcover and colorful native plants to attract birds and bees. Plant choices include brightly colored Lantana, Haworth’s Aeonium, and Lion’s Tail (Leonotis leonurus).

Left to right: Lantana, Haworth's Aeonium, and Lion's Tail bright color to the award-winning landscape. Photo: Sweetwater Authority less waterLeft to right: Lantana, Haworth's Aeonium, and Lion's Tail bright color to the award-winning landscape. Photo: Sweetwater Authority less water

Left to right: Lantana, Haworth’s Aeonium, and Lion’s Tail bright color to the award-winning landscape. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

The landscape’s low watering needs are supplemented by adding rain barrels.

The Cudahy home before its watersmart landscape makeover. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

“The Cavanah’s landscape is a shining example of how customers can save water and money while maintaining the beauty of their yard,” said Board Chair Alejandra Sotelo-Solis. “The Authority is here to assist customers to make these water-wise investments by offering rebates, resources, and support.

The Cavanahs replaced their thirsty lawn with drought-tolerant landcover and colorful native plants to attract birds and bees. Photo: Sweetwater Authority less water

The Cavanahs replaced their thirsty lawn with drought-tolerant landcover and colorful native plants to attract birds and bees. Photo: Sweetwater Authority

The annual WaterSmart Landscape Contest allows Authority customers an opportunity to showcase their best, water-wise landscapes – benefitting other residents with their winning examples. All customers who have transformed their yards to be more water-efficient are encouraged to enter the contest for the chance to win a $250 gift certificate. The contest runs from January through mid-May each year.

Find tips and resources on how to create a WaterSmart home and garden at www.watersmartsd.org/.

(Editor’s note: The Sweetwater Authority is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Mike and Cathy Godfrey’s water-efficient landscape design features a diverse array of drought-tolerant plants. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District landscape diversity

Landscape Diversity Showcased By 2022 Olivenhain Municipal Water District Contest Winner

Mike and Cathy Godfrey’s water-efficient landscape design is the winner of the Olivenhain Municipal Water District’s 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest. The Godfreys were recognized at the June OMWD Board of Directors meeting.

Before and after view of Mike and Cathy Godfrey's award-winning landscape design. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

Before and after view of Mike and Cathy Godfrey’s award-winning landscape design at their Encinitas home. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

“Maximizing water efficiency outdoors is especially important as drought conditions remain in effect across the state,” said OMWD Board Director Neal Meyers. “Showcasing the diversity and beauty of California-friendly landscaping can encourage others to swap their grass for climate-appropriate designs and bring awareness to the benefits of sustainable landscaping.”

Design reduces maintenance and watering needs

The Godfreys installed a drip irrigation system that provides a low volume of water that is healthy for plants and trees while resulting in little to no evaporation. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

A dry creek bed captures and directs rainfall, minimizing water runoff into the streets that can carry pollutants down the storm drain and into the ocean. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

The Godfreys’ water-efficient landscape design at their Encinitas home displays a variety of drought-tolerant plants and succulents selected to reduce yard maintenance and watering needs. They installed a drip irrigation system that provides a low volume of water that is healthy for plants and trees while resulting in little to no evaporation.

A dry creek bed captures and directs rainfall, minimizing water runoff into the streets that can carry pollutants down the storm drain and into the ocean.

The Godfreys installed a drip irrigation system that provides a low volume of water that is healthy for plants and trees while resulting in little to no evaporation. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

The Godfreys installed a drip irrigation system that provides a low volume of water that is healthy for plants and trees while resulting in little to no evaporation. Photo: Olivenhain Municipal Water District

The WaterSmart Landscape Contest is held annually by water agencies throughout San Diego County to highlight attractive landscapes that use less water than conventional turf-heavy landscapes. Winning entries exhibit excellence in curb appeal, design, appropriate plant selection, and water-efficient irrigation.

Find tips and resources on how to create a WaterSmart home and garden at www.watersmartsd.org/.

(Editor’s note: The Olivenhain Municipal Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

WaterSmart Landscape Contest Winner Showcases More Beauty With Less Water

Chula Vista, Calif. – Sweetwater Authority (Authority) named Nancy Cavanah of Chula Vista this year’s winner of the WaterSmart Landscape Contest at last night’s Governing Board (Board) Meeting. Cavanah’s landscape was selected from a diverse pool of applicants as the best example of how to create a beautiful landscape using less water.

After years of watering to maintain a green front lawn, Cavanah and her husband decided to invest in making their yard more water-efficient. Using the Turf Replacement Rebate Program to help offset costs, the Cavanahs replaced their thirsty lawn with drought-tolerant landcover and colorful native plants to attract birds and bees. The landscape’s low watering needs are supplemented by the addition of rain barrels.

La Mesa resident Nick Voinov stands in front of his 2022 Helix Water District Landscape Contest winning yard. Photo: Helix Water District water efficient yard

Water Efficient Yard is 2022 Helix Water District Landscape Contest Winner

A thriving, water-efficient yard in La Mesa is the winner of the Helix Water District’s 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest.

Nick Voinov used multiple layers of succulents, plants and trees to create his winning landscaping. Photo: Helix Water District water efficient yard

Nick Voinov used multiple layers of succulents, plants, and trees to create his winning landscaping. Photo: Helix Water District

Homeowner Nick Voinov worked for a decade to transform his turf into its current watersmart residential landscape. It didn’t always look as bright and colorful as it does today.

“I love plants and found them more appealing than a lawn,” said Voinov. “I thought it was a bit of a waste because I had to water it every day, and then once you mowed it, it was hauled off to the dump. It was like a crop that you grew and then threw away.”

Proper preparation yielded impressive results

Proper soil preparation was a key to the success of this award winning watersmart landscape. Photo: Helix Water District

Proper soil preparation was a key to the success of this award-winning Watersmart landscape. Photo: Helix Water District

Voinov removed his old lawn and composted it into the soil. He added nutrients by mixing in manure from a local horse ranch. Once he prepared the soil and had an open canvas, he began planting.

The result is multiple layers of succulents, drifts of flowering low-water use plants, and colorful trees, giving the garden a theme with design consistency. Voinov based his design around maintaining a natural appearance to make the garden more welcoming. Plants grow together and spill over walkways and walls, softening transitions and borderlines.

Plants spill over walkways and planters for a lush appearance. Photo: Helix Water District

Plants spill over walkways and planters for a lush appearance. Photo: Helix Water District

“Succulents were my top choice of plants. People would give me clippings; I love them because you can clip them off and start new ones. Anyone can do it,” said Voinov. He said it’s also also cost-effective.

Voinov irrigates efficiently by deep watering with sprinklers once every two weeks during the summer season. Letting the soil dry out between watering encourages plants to grow deeper roots and helps them access more water, maximizing irrigation. During the cooler months, the plants do not require any irrigation.

Homeowner Nick Voinov maximizes rainwater capture and use where possible. Photo: Helix Water District

The landscape uses rainwater as a resource. The current rainwater catchment system can collect 700 gallons and refills after most storms. During large storms, Voinov directs surplus rainwater to his fruit trees to maximize the amount of water that reaches his landscape.

“I like to make things as efficient as possible. Rainwater is free, and if I can save and collect that water, I will,” said Voinov.


The charming, colorful landscape demonstrates the many options for watersmart landscaping. Photo: Helix Water District

With a water-efficient yard, a rainwater capture system, and WaterSmart home habits like collecting and reusing shower warm-up water, Nick Voinov and his family of five use a maximum of 20 units of water each 60-day billing cycle. That is less than half of what a typical family of five with a similar-sized landscape uses.

“I make a great effort with my family to conserve water because it is important to us,” said Voinov. “We know how precious water is in California, and I really wanted to see if what I do does make a difference.”

The Helix Water District Board of Directors recognized Nick Voinov at its June board meeting, complimenting his work and presenting him a $250 gift card, a yard sign, and an award certificate.

The annual landscape contest runs from January through mid-May each year.

(Editor’s note: The Helix Water District is one of the San Diego County Water Authority’s 24 member agencies that deliver water across the metropolitan San Diego region.)

Helix Water District Logo Square officers for 2021

Helix Water District Announces 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest Winner

What was once a thirsty lawn is now a peaceful, thriving, water-efficient paradise.

Helix Water District announced Nick Voinov as the winner of its 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest. The annual competition recognizes outstanding water-wise residential landscapes based on overall attractiveness, design, efficient irrigation and appropriate plant selection and maintenance.